Simplified Lada Niva Travel will cost less than 1 million rubles

Simplified Lada Niva Travel will cost less than 1 million rubles
Simplified Lada Niva Travel will cost less than 1 million rubles
04 September 2022
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On August 28, sales of simplified versions of the Lada Niva Travel SUV will begin.

Production of the simplified Niva Travel at the plant in Togliatti began in mid-August. From the “full-fledged” SUVs in the initial version of the Classic, the cars differ in the absence of airbags and anti-lock braking systems, and the 8-valve 1.7 engine is certified according to the Euro-2 standard instead of Euro-5. At the same time, such Nivs will already have previously scarce ERA-GLONASS modules, but due to the lack of airbags, automatic operator call in case of an accident is not available, this will have to be done from the button.
But if the cheapest Niva Legend is now asking for 1,066,900 rubles without options, but the recommended retail price for the Niva Legend Classic’22 will be 998 thousand rubles, TASS reports citing several representatives of official AvtoVAZ dealers.
According to Alexei Podshchekoldin, vice-president of the Russian Automobile Dealers Association, despite the fact that sales officially start on August 28, the simplified Niva will reach the dealerships directly only in early September.

“We are awaiting delivery [в дилерские центры] Niva Travel in September. Concerning [стоимости] Lada Niva Travel, then 998 thousand are expected, almost 1 million rubles. This is the recommended retail price. For cars for which demand is low, for example, for these Niva, no one else adds a price. They only add additional equipment: fog lights, towbar, parking sensors, and so on, ”TASS reports the words of Podshchekoldin.

04 September 2022
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