Electric sedan Evolute will be able to travel without recharging 420 km

Electric sedan Evolute will be able to travel without recharging 420 km
Electric sedan Evolute will be able to travel without recharging 420 km
26 August 2022
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The Motorinvest company showed live the new Evolute i-PRO electric sedan and revealed its technical characteristics.

The new Evolute i-PRO was presented to the public as part of the 10th Eurasian Taxi Forum.

The electric sedan, judging by the published specifications, will be equipped with a 163-horsepower electric motor (120 kW), developing a maximum torque of 230 Nm.
From zero to “hundreds”, the electric car can accelerate in 9.5 seconds, the maximum speed of the sedan is 150 km/h.
“Feeds” i-PRO from a battery with a capacity of 53 kWh; claimed range is 420 km (NEDC driving cycle).
The time to fully charge the battery from a slow charge with alternating current with a power of 7 kW or more is 8.5 hours; from fast CCS2 (constant current, power 75 kW or more, from 30 to 80% charge) – 36 minutes.

The new Evolute i-PRO, as previously reported by the Chinese Cars portal, was created on the basis of the Dongfeng Aeolus E70 model, which has been sold in China since 2017.

26 August 2022
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